
Digital Asset
Insights &
E – Commerce

Data Management

Organizations face three critical data management challenges: decentralized data collection, lack of a comprehensive customer view, and limited real-time data access for personalized engagement. M2 Partners excels in implementing Adobe Experience Platform & Adobe Real-Time CDP, consolidating customer data for seamless integration and real time insights.

Adobe Experience Platform

Collect, standardize, and manage data from all channels in real-time, providing a centralized data hub for insights to execution. Delivering meaningful experiences to your customers.

Adobe Real Time CDP

Streamline data collection, management, and activation with Adobe Real-Time CDP. Gain a unified view of all data sources, empowering real-time insights and immediate action on customer data.

Marketing Automation

Businesses leverage automation solutions to overcome data fragmentation, integration inefficiences, and real-time insight loss. Integrating Adobe Campaign, Adobe Journey Optimizer, and Adobe Target with M2 offers a unified toolset for seamless campaign delivery, streamlined reporting, and personalized messaging across the customer journey.

Adobe Campaign

Deliver dynamic campaigns seamlessly across email, mobile, offline channels and beyond with Adobe Campaign. Easily design, manage, and deliver personalized multi-channel experiences that resonate with your customers’ preferences and needs.

Adobe Journey Optimizer

Streamline collaboration for your marketing team within a unified platform. Design, build, deploy and report on omni-channel campaigns and customer journeys effortlessly, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness across the marketing workflow.

Adobe Target

Deliver consistent and personalized messages throughout the entire customer journey. Gain insights into customer preferences and timing needs across all channels, ensuring seamless communication from one touchpoint to the next.

DIGITAL Asset Management

Partnering with M2 Partners mitigates digital asset management risks such as asset loss, lack of real-time information, and decreased productivity. By leveraging top Adobe solutions, you can streamline activities onto a single platform, enhancing customization, control, and productivity while eliminating business disruptions.

Adobe Experience
Manager – Assets

Effortlessly manage your content and digital assets with Adobe Experience Manager – Assets, offering a comprehensive solution. Create, edit, manage, and store all your assets within a single platform, simplifying workflows and enhancing efficiency.

Website Build

M2 Partners is skilled at optimizing websites through custom UIs and efficient digital asset management, SEO tracking, speed improvements, and mobile optimization. Our solutions help in overcoming website issues such as asset management challenges, slow loading speeds, mobile compatibility issues, SEO defiencies, and fragmented team collaboration, often relying on IT support.

Adobe Experience
Manager – Sites

Craft high-performance pages across all digital platforms with Adobe Experience Manager – Sites. Seamlessly build, author, publish, and load pages while managing content across devices and channels within a unified solution.


M2 Partners excels in data analytics, providing your marketing team with actionable insights and streamlined data processes.
Our solutions optimize decision-making with insightful reports and real-time data insights, addressing challenges such as report confidence, real-time access, and data preparation efficiency.

Adobe Customer
Journey Analytics

Unlock real-time visibility into every touchpoint of your customer journey with Adobe Customer Journey Analytics. Seamlessly explore across channels, empowering your team to optimize strategies and deliver personalized experiences with advanced analytics capabilities.

Adobe Analytics

Gain real-time insights into the complete customers journey across all channels with Adobe Analytics. Explore every touchpoint from end to end, empowering your team to optimize strategies and enhance personalized experiences.

E – Commerce

Partner with M2 to elevate your company’s e-commerce experience with personalized customer journeys tailored to every stage of the purchasing process. Benefit from real-time deployment of relevant content, targeted promotions, personalized site searches, and AI driven product recommendations to enhance customer engagement and drive conversions.

Adobe Commerce

Personalize each step of the customer buying journey
Relevant content & promotions in real-time & personalized site searches, browsing & product recommendations with AI